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This is the source of your success.

Chris Jones by Chris Jones

What can anyone really do? With all the problems we face, are we really capable of doing anything to bring change? Try as we might through political pressure, human manipulation, blood sweat and tears, sheer will of the human spirit or the financial resources of an entire planet, it seems few strategies are capable of really changing the trajectory of humanity.

As overwhelming as the task might seem, it’s undeniably God’s plan that we play a part in turning the world to Him. It’s natural, then, to excuse our lack of action by questioning our limitations. It’s natural. However, if we’re always only doing what comes naturally, we’ll forever miss what God is doing supernaturally.

God’s ability to intervene on our behalf is beautifully illustrated in 2 Kings 6:15-17. It says, “When the servant of the man of God got up and went out early the next morning, an army with horses and chariots had surrounded the city. ‘Oh no, my lord! What shall we do?’ the servant asked. ‘Don’t be afraid,’ the prophet answered. ‘Those who are with us are more than those who are with them.’ And Elisha prayed, ‘Open his eyes, Lord, so that he may see.’ Then the Lord opened the servant’s eyes, and he looked and saw the hills full of horses and chariots of fire all around Elisha.”

There’s much to which God has called us as children, as friends, as servants, as warriors. Many times our feelings of inadequacy prevail, and we withdraw from the battle, forgetting that we serve a God “who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine, according to his power that is at work within us.” (Eph 3:20)

Holy Spirit, fill us with boldness. Remind us to call on your power, to sustain us and take us through the battles of this life. Help us to be aggressive for your Kingdom. Open our eyes to the armies that surround us, to those who stand before us and behind us, as we charge into this world, knowing that the battle is yours.

Do you have a role in revival?

Chris Jones by Chris Jones

There’s something about “Revival” that peaks one’s excitement, among Christians anyways. The word itself speaks to new strength and fresh life. For some it means radical change. For others, it simply inspires memories of spiritually-charged services. For me, the atmosphere that revival creates, just makes things easier. Worship is easier. My Bible study time is easier. Loving like Christ, is easier. In a season of revival, it seem like much of my spiritual life can be placed on cruise control. It’s so easy to serve God when you’re on that kind of mountain top.

Sunday morning at Calvary, Paula shared a word about revival. It was an urgent message. She talked about God beginning to shake up His church. It conveyed a much more “around-the-corner” than “down-the-road” type of expectation. Immediately, I thought about the many plans God has put on my heart. In “revival mode”, all those things will become automatic.

Quickly, God spoke two words to me: “Preparation” and “Catalyst”.

Many of us can immediately name one or several missions or visions God has put on our heart. So, what are we waiting for? Instead of waiting for God to pave the way, what might happen if we start today? I believe God is calling His people into action. I believe the plans he placed within us will not only prepare us for the coming revival, but trigger the events that will bring that revival, leading to greater spiritual growth and strength in our lives.

So, what’s your role in preparing the way for the coming revival? Is God calling you to get your house in order? Are there some habits you need to break? Are there some habits you need to create? Is there a new season of leadership God is calling you to, concerning your family or community? Do you need to step up the support you are to your church? Whatever the calling, in whatever way He is awakening the spirit within you, don’t wait another moment. Start pursuing revival in your life, today!

The Adventure of Change

Steve's profile pic by Steve Turner

We’ve been hearing a lot about change recently at our church. It seems God is calling us both corporately and individually to new things. Sometimes change is sudden and God brings about miraculous transformation in a matter of moments. Often though, change can be a long arduous process that God calls us to play a significant role in.

I was thinking about Noah recently. It would have been easy enough for God to drop an ark full of animals out of the sky when it started to rain and tell Noah and his family to hop aboard. But he didn’t. Instead he called Noah and his family to a decades-long process of building this massive ark. I can only imagine the obstacles to overcome and the highs and lows that Noah must have experienced over that time as He pursued his calling.

Let us take a moment to consider what God has called us to. Does it seem impossible? Does it seem too incredible of a dream to ever come true that you doubt its Divine origin? I believe that God equips and empowers those whom He calls. What tools has God equipped you with to begin the process of change? I know as I begin to take steps to bring about changes God has called me to, I’m thinking about Noah and what it must have been like for him to take that first swing of the ax.

“For I can do everything through Christ, who gives me strength.” Philippians 4:13


Chris Jones by Chris Jones


Do you ever look at the world and wonder, “why can’t things just work the way they’re intended to”?  Everything seems broken: government, schools, families, churches…  It’s easy to stand at a distance, casting criticism, excusing ourselves of any personal responsibility to bring change.

It’s hard to be honest about the malfunctioning bits and pieces of our own lives.  There may be aspects that are temporarily “out of order”.  There are probably even components of our lives that are undeniably broken.  Regardless, I think we convince ourselves that everything’s OK, as long as the sum of our parts somehow equals something “good”.  There’s a problem with this thinking, however, if you believe you’ve been designed and placed on this Earth for a purpose.

Think about a machine.  They’re created to accomplish a specific task.  Successful operation requires all components to be fully operational.  If something malfunctions, it may be able to limp along for a while.  Eventually, though, it’s gonna crash.  If just one part of that machine is broken, the sum of it’s parts just equals a broken machine.

It’s important that we allow the Holy Spirit to strip us down to our basic parts, revealing what’s in need of repair.  Allow God to fix what’s broken, knowing your wholeness helps repair what’s broken in your family.  Healthy families serve to repair what’s broken in churches and schools and government.  

Before you lay blame for it’s problems, remember that a broken world is simply an extension of what’s broken in us.

Change The World

Chris Jones by Chris Jones

What would you do if you were given the opportunity to change the world?  Currently, with all the dysfunction in Washington, many would respond that they’d march up to “Capitol Hill” and straighten some things/people out.  Others might consider ending social crises like hunger, poverty, homelessness or abuse.  In a lost and broken world, is change even possible?  No arguments.  No debates.  No resistance.  Change.

What if this proposition weren’t simply anecdotal?  What if you were supplied with endless resources?  What if you were given a guarantee that your efforts would be effective?  What if you could start today, to see this world transformed into what God intended it to be?

As Christians, we believe God called us to take the news of salvation through His Son, to the world, the whole world.  We believe God will give us what we ask, if we pray according to His will.  We believe our prayers are potent and effective.  We believe His Word is powerful and true.  Yet, we allow “life” to distract us from the call.

Everyday, those in need of change are with us (the hurting, the lost, the hungry, the homeless, the poor, the abused).  They live in our neighborhood.  They sit behind us in class.  They work in the office down the hall.  They “ring-up” our purchases at the store.  We dismiss them as they hold their signs at the stoplight.  We forget them as they sit in jail, or lay in the hospital.  This is the world.  This is where change begins.

So, what will you do with the opportunity you’ve been given?  The need is real.  Our God is big.  Change can happen today.  Run to the world.