Blog Archives

Miracle For Baby Charlotte

Chris Jones by Chris Jones

There’s undeniable evidence of God, for those who’ve experienced his miraculous power, especially when it comes as an answer to our prayers. I asked my friend, JB, if I could share the testimony of her daughter’s healing. This recent miracle is just one example of God at work in her life.

JB pic

JB’s baby, Charlotte, was born with what her doctor described as a tracheoesophageal fistula, an abnormal connection between the esophagus and the trachea, which results in the aspiration of fluids. This caused her to breathe in milk instead of it traveling down her esophagus to her stomach during feedings. Basically, she was drowning every time she ate. Over time, this could result in chronic fluid in her lungs.

Not willing to wait for the doctors’ suggested plan of action, JB and her husband brought their request to God.  They met that Wednesday night before service, for their Pastor and friends to lay hands on baby Charlotte, and “boldly ask the Lord for no sign of a cleft or fistula.” In prayer, Pastor claimed that no abnormalities would be found when she went into surgery.

The next day, they handed Charlotte over to the doctors, believing that the Lord had restored the structure and function of the connection between her esophagus and trachea, and that repair, therapy, feeding tubes etc. would not be a part of their lives, and that the Lord completely restored their baby girl. After some time, the doctor emerged from surgery and said, verbatim, “well, what we saw Tuesday just isn’t there! There are no abnormalities and no further repair or surgery is necessary!”

Before they left, the radiologist asked, “when you talk to the Lord again, could you ask him to help out with a few of my other patients too? You guys get good results!”

Praise the Lord for what he has done, is doing and will do through those who truly believe in him! In an instant, Charlotte was healed and able to breathe and feed without a choking or drowning sensation. Mom and Dad say she’s one happy and alert little girl.

1 John 5:14-15 says, “we are confident that he hears us whenever we ask for anything that pleases him. And since we know he hears us when we make our requests, we also know that he will give us what we ask for.” Praise God, that his power is at work in our lives today!

The Journey Begins…

Nick Koop (profile pic) by Nick Koopalethes

Welcome to my journey, as I run into God’s healing power. In this post I set the background for why I began to run, and what I’m believing as I take these steps of faith. Join me and let’s run this race together!

New Blogger

Help me welcome a new blogger to Witness Runner.

Nick Koop (profile pic)Nick Koopalethes, Pastor of The Victory House in Purcellville VA, is joining us. He’s a good friend who I had the privilege of working with during his years as a Youth Pastor. I continue to be impacted by his infectious confidence in God’s faithfulness and ability to do what He promises.

I’ll let Nick tell you all about his new adventure. If you’re believing God for a miracle, I think you’ll be inspired by my friend. Follow Witness Runner on Facebook or Twitter to make sure you don’t miss a moment of what Nick shares from his journey to healing.

The Power of Sympathy

Chris Jones by Chris Jones

Have you ever stopped to think about the power of sympathy?

We tend to sympathize with people we know, not because we agree with their opinion, but because we’re better able to see from their perspective. When we’re able to see things from a different perspective it allows us to see our own more clearly, revealing both fact and fiction. Sympathy creates a safe place for people to exchange ideas, express emotions and finely tune our understanding. When we sympathize with one another, we can work more effectively towards lasting solutions to common problems. In everything, if you find yourself lacking sympathy, consider holding your tongue while you invest time in the rich experience of getting to know your brother or sister.

In light of recent events, take time to reflect on Luke 6:27-31 where it says:

But to you who are willing to listen, I say, love your enemies! Do good to those who hate you. Bless those who curse you. Pray for those who hurt you. If someone slaps you on one cheek, offer the other cheek also. If someone demands your coat, offer your shirt also. Give to anyone who asks; and when things are taken away from you, don’t try to get them back. Do to others as you would like them to do to you.


Chris Jones by Chris Jones


Do you ever look at the world and wonder, “why can’t things just work the way they’re intended to”?  Everything seems broken: government, schools, families, churches…  It’s easy to stand at a distance, casting criticism, excusing ourselves of any personal responsibility to bring change.

It’s hard to be honest about the malfunctioning bits and pieces of our own lives.  There may be aspects that are temporarily “out of order”.  There are probably even components of our lives that are undeniably broken.  Regardless, I think we convince ourselves that everything’s OK, as long as the sum of our parts somehow equals something “good”.  There’s a problem with this thinking, however, if you believe you’ve been designed and placed on this Earth for a purpose.

Think about a machine.  They’re created to accomplish a specific task.  Successful operation requires all components to be fully operational.  If something malfunctions, it may be able to limp along for a while.  Eventually, though, it’s gonna crash.  If just one part of that machine is broken, the sum of it’s parts just equals a broken machine.

It’s important that we allow the Holy Spirit to strip us down to our basic parts, revealing what’s in need of repair.  Allow God to fix what’s broken, knowing your wholeness helps repair what’s broken in your family.  Healthy families serve to repair what’s broken in churches and schools and government.  

Before you lay blame for it’s problems, remember that a broken world is simply an extension of what’s broken in us.