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Tootsie Roll: The Mysteries of God

Chris Jones by Chris Jones

Lesson Four

As children, I believe we were all confronted with one basic mystery of life.  How many licks does it take to get to the center of a Tootsie Pop?

According to Tootsie Roll, since the question was originally asked in 1970, “(they) have received more than 20,000 letters from children around the world who believe they have solved the mystery”  Interestingly, even Tootsie Roll conducted experiments, concluding: “It depends on a variety of factors such as the size of your mouth, the amount of saliva, etc. Basically, the world may never know.”

None-the-less, each child who sends a letter, claiming to have the answer, receives a certificate from Tootsie Roll, congratulating them for unraveling the mystery.

I often wonder about the mysteries of God.  I marvel at this world, and am challenged by Genesis’ creation story.  Was there really a fish that swallowed Jonah?  Did Jericho’s walls really fall at the shouts of God’s people?  Where is Heaven?  When will we go there?  Do we really play host to angels without knowing it?

The more I search for answers, the more I realize it’s not about whatever conclusions I might reach.  It’s about the worship that my effort is to him.  Regardless, I hear him saying to keep on “licking”.  After all, the journey to the center is sweet.

Tootsie Roll: The Same Spirit

Chris Jones by Chris Jones

Lesson Three

There’s an interesting fact Tootsie Roll reveals about their recipe on the Tootsie Roll website.  It says, “Leo’s recipe required the incorporation of the previous day’s (leftover) Tootsie Rolls into each newly cooked confection, a graining process that Tootsie continues to this day. As such, there’s (theoretically) a bit of Leo’s very first Tootsie Roll in every one of the sixty-four million Tootsie Rolls that Tootsie produces each day.”  According to Tootsie Roll, it’s possible that there’s a little of the original in every batch.

That’s exactly the way God designed us, to carry the same Holy Spirit as His Son, Jesus.  Unlike Tootsie Roll, however, this isn’t a diminished version or any kind of variation of the original.  Just as it says in Romans 8, “The Spirit of God, who raised Jesus from the dead, lives in you.”  It’s the same Spirit we read about descending on Him at His baptism and empowered Him for ministry on Earth.

It’s an amazing revelation that comes with great responsibility.  We’re confronted with the decision of whether or not to let the power of the Holy Spirit flow through our lives.  To deny that power means denying life and freedom for ourselves and everyone around us.  To live in that power means there is no limit to what God can do through us.

Tootsie Roll: Endurance

Chris Jones by Chris Jones

OK Class!  Settle down.  It’s time to continue our look at what we can learn from the tiny Tootsie Roll.  If you were absent last week, you may want to refer to Lesson One before continuing.

Lesson Two

The Tootsie Roll website highlights one of their candy’s less obvious qualities.  They say, “owing to its non-perishable quality and resistance to extreme weather conditions, the Tootsie Roll¨ has long been a popular military ration. Since World War II, U.S. troops stationed around the world have enjoyed Tootsie Rolls as part of their standard-issue MRE’s, appreciating their great taste, portability, and inherent quality of supplying ‘quick energy’.”  Rarely do you hear of a candy praised for its durability.  It’s probably not one of the leading attributes one considers important.

As Christians, one of our greatest aspirations  in life should be able to say at the end of our days, “I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, and I have remained faithful” (2 Timothy 4:7).  More than just enduring, however, what an achievement it will be, to have endured while adding flavor to this world.

Can our friends say that of us?  Are we a valuable addition to their lives?  Are we someone they would want to take into battle with them?  Can they know that our faith wont perish?  Can they know that we will endure whatever variety of hardships may come our way, and still bring such a refreshing, energizing quality to their lives?  No matter the weather, when the harshest foes wage war on our lives, what do we show this world?  Do our conversations and facebook posts and tweets demonstrate the confident resilience of one who walks with Jesus, empowered by the Holy Spirit?

The world is looking for an enduring, inspiring faith.  They want something to believe in, something refreshing.  Will they find it in you?

Tootsie Roll: Being Like Christ

Chris Jones by Chris Jones

I think the Tootsie Roll is an under-appreciated candy.  I didn’t believe this a week ago.  Until recently, I just thought a Tootsie Roll was a small, chewy, chocolatey kind of candy that couldn’t possibly be considered anyone’s favorite.  That was before a simple curiosity led me to discover what lessons can be learned from this mightily meaningful miniature morsel, the Tootsie Roll.

Lesson One


Did you know that Tootsie Roll Industries makes SIXTY-FOUR MILLION Tootsie Roll candies each day!!!  EVERY DAY!!!   That’s a couple more than I would have guessed.   What’s interesting to consider is that every Tootsie Roll tastes the same, each one a faithful reproduction of the original.

Certainly, one’s preference for flavor is a relative thing.  While some people might not like chocolate, it remains one of those flavors that almost everyone in the world recognizes and enjoys.  Although I’m sure no one would accuse a Tootsie Roll of being an actual piece of chocolate, it’s undeniable that one bite brings to mind the slow, melt-on-your-tongue release of sweet cocoa flavor many crave.  Even a simple description of that experience can make one’s mouth water.

Isn’t that the way it should be with us?  By definition, shouldn’t each Christian be a faithful example of Christ.  Psalms says “Taste and see that the Lord is good”.  Is there any chance that our lives might serve as a bitter sample of Christ’s love, to people around us?

Have you ever raved about a certain food to a friend?  Based on your encouragement they try it, clearly not having shared your experience.  We say, “You must have just gotten a bad batch”.  “Trust me you need to try one at/from…” (fill in the blank).  Unfortunately, their perception may have already been forever tainted by that one negative experience.  There’s a great responsibility we share when we identify with Christ.  It’s important that we live as faithful representatives, understanding that we may be the only example of Jesus those around us might ever see.  Live with the purpose of being like Christ.  Cause people to desire more of Him in their lives, through the “sweetness” He has given you to share.

So, ask yourself these questions.  What flavor am I to this world?  Do I inspire people around me to further experience the “sweetness” of Christ?  Have I really experienced that “sweetness” for myself? I’d love to hear your comments.