Blog Archives

Firing On All Cylinders

Chris Jones by Chris Jones

How do you get to a place where you’re operating at maximum efficiency?  It’s a great question.  How would you ever know?  Does it have something to do with your friends or surroundings?  Is it more about your giftings and strengths?  Is it just a matter of chance and freak timing?  I think everyone wants to do something great with their life!  For Christians, it’s be better stated to say that we want God to do something great through us.

I’ve always felt led to pray that the Holy Spirit breathe creativity into my life, much in the same way that Solomon prayed for wisdom.  I want to be inspired with God’s thoughts.  I want to be motivated by a plan that can only come from Him.  It’s a great responsibility to be the people through whom God accomplishes His will.  It requires us to ask.  It requires us to listen.  It requires our obedience.  It requires us to selflessly give ourselves to His call.

Is there something great you’re supposed to be doing?  Is there something God has put on your heart?  Is there a fresh vision He’s unfolding before you?  Maybe it’s a dream that seemed to have died long ago.  Allow Him to revive it.  Pray for clear vision.  Pray for motivation and inspiration.  He does not leave you powerless to accomplish His will.  Let God do something great through you.  Through the power of the Holy Spirit, give Him the absolute maximum that your life can produce.

What is something you feel God is calling you to do?  Share it with us in the comments below.


Chris Jones by Chris Jones

It’s fun, hacking away at all the nuts and bolts of getting this blog and various supporting accounts up and running.  In the process, some have asked what the vision for Witness Runner is.  Long-term, my goal is to transition it into a niche social network, where Christian runners can promote their faith among those in their communities.

While I’m looking forward to explaining that concept in greater detail, today is all about getting the wheels in motion and dreaming about how God might use these efforts.  More specifically, the purpose of this post is to test the links I created to Witness Runner Twitter and Facebook accounts.  If you’re interested in following there, you may use the links at the top of this page.

Thank you for reading and sharing.  Run to the world.

What exactly is going on here?

Chris Jones by Chris Jones

God speaks to us in a variety of ways: sometimes it’s that “small, still voice”, sometimes it’s through His Word.  Other times, God might speak to us through a word of knowledge He reveals to someone else.  Thank God for obedient servants who deliver those messages when He gives them.

I received a word from a friend a couple months ago.  During a worship service at our church, she came to me and said, “God wanted me to come and tell you that you have no idea what He wants to do through you.”  I told her that word was  tremendously encouraging.  God had, in the previous months, been putting the idea for “Witness Runner” on my heart.  In those conversations, I feel like He gave me an idea of what it could grow to be.  Now I was beginning to believe God intends to yield much greater results than I could ever dream.

In recent weeks, I’ve been wondering if I mistook the tone of that message.  What if God meant it in a “chicken with it’s head cut off” type of context, like, “poor thing.  Look at Him down there.  He has no idea what I want to do through Him.”  Am I just spinning my wheels in an effort that’s destined to do little more than just waste a little time? Honestly, what did God mean by that?

I like to believe God has great plans for Witness Runner.  Regardless, I’m excited to see what He might do as I give Him my best.  All glory to God, who is able, through his mighty power at work within us, to accomplish infinitely more than we might ask or think.  (Ephesians 3:20)