Do you have a role in revival?

Chris Jones by Chris Jones

There’s something about “Revival” that peaks one’s excitement, among Christians anyways. The word itself speaks to new strength and fresh life. For some it means radical change. For others, it simply inspires memories of spiritually-charged services. For me, the atmosphere that revival creates, just makes things easier. Worship is easier. My Bible study time is easier. Loving like Christ, is easier. In a season of revival, it seem like much of my spiritual life can be placed on cruise control. It’s so easy to serve God when you’re on that kind of mountain top.

Sunday morning at Calvary, Paula shared a word about revival. It was an urgent message. She talked about God beginning to shake up His church. It conveyed a much more “around-the-corner” than “down-the-road” type of expectation. Immediately, I thought about the many plans God has put on my heart. In “revival mode”, all those things will become automatic.

Quickly, God spoke two words to me: “Preparation” and “Catalyst”.

Many of us can immediately name one or several missions or visions God has put on our heart. So, what are we waiting for? Instead of waiting for God to pave the way, what might happen if we start today? I believe God is calling His people into action. I believe the plans he placed within us will not only prepare us for the coming revival, but trigger the events that will bring that revival, leading to greater spiritual growth and strength in our lives.

So, what’s your role in preparing the way for the coming revival? Is God calling you to get your house in order? Are there some habits you need to break? Are there some habits you need to create? Is there a new season of leadership God is calling you to, concerning your family or community? Do you need to step up the support you are to your church? Whatever the calling, in whatever way He is awakening the spirit within you, don’t wait another moment. Start pursuing revival in your life, today!

Posted on August 3, 2015, in Chris Jones, Christianity and tagged , , , , , , . Bookmark the permalink. Leave a comment.

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