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Can We Get Real?

Chris Jones by Chris Jones

Can we get real? Are we capable of being honest about ourselves, with ourselves and others? Is it possible to strip away everything we believe and represent ourselves to be, to better see our lives compared to the example we have in Jesus Christ?

At its core , I think it comes down to a basic question of reputation.

It seems that so much of our time and energy, whether intentionally or not, are devoted to developing an image by which the world judges our worth. In that process, I believe we compromise the maximum impact we could have for God’s Kingdom. It’s a matter of personal appearance and clothing labels. How large is your house? What kind of car do you drive? The average American family lives well beyond it’s means to keep pace. All the while, God’s Kingdom and His people go with unmet needs. The poor struggle, with too few helping hands extended their way. The pursuit and maintenance of our reputations seem directly opposed to the work to which we’ve been called.

Compare this to the example Jesus set for us. Philippians 2:5-11 tells us,

You must have the same attitude that Christ Jesus had. Though he was God, he did not think of equality with God as something to cling to. Instead, he gave up his divine privileges; he took the humble position of a slave and was born as a human being…he humbled himself in obedience to God and died a criminal’s death on a cross.

I like that the King James version says “(He) made himself of no reputation”, all for the glory of the Father. In laying aside all earthly ambition, He was optimally effective in the work to which His was appointed.

If we’re capable of seeing ourselves for who we are, what warning do we received from James 5:1-3, where it says,

Look here, you rich people: Weep and groan with anguish because of all the terrible troubles ahead of you. Your wealth is rotting away, and your fine clothes are moth-eaten rags. Your gold and silver are corroded. The very wealth you were counting on will eat away your flesh like fire. This corroded treasure you have hoarded will testify against you on the day of judgment.

Isn’t it time that we see and respond to the needs around us? Isn’t it time we take an honest assessment of the ways in which we limit our impact by literally storing up our treasures in the form of earthly possessions? Isn’t it time we get real?

Good Enough

Chris Jones by Chris Jones

I think the average person spends most of their life on cruise control. I know it’s that way with me sometimes. I have a certain handful of ultimate responsibilities. As long as I can just maintain, everything’s OK. They become the standard measurements by which I gauge whether my efforts, regardless of how minimal, are good enough. Is my wife happy? Check! Are my kids on a reasonable trajectory to become adults that I’ll be proud of? Check! Are all other miscellaneous components of my life and home in good working order (at least in appearance)? Check! Good. Sit back. Relax. Everything’s good.

Really? Everything’s good?

What about them?


“The hungry, the thirsty, the stranger, the naked, the sick, the imprisoned”

Matthew 25:41-46 says, “Then the King will turn to those on the left and say, ‘Away with you, you cursed ones, into the eternal fire prepared for the devil and his demons. For I was hungry, and you didn’t feed me. I was thirsty, and you didn’t give me a drink. I was a stranger, and you didn’t invite me into your home. I was naked, and you didn’t give me clothing. I was sick and in prison, and you didn’t visit me.’ Then they will reply, ‘Lord, when did we ever see you hungry or thirsty or a stranger or naked or sick or in prison, and not help you?’ And he will answer, ‘I tell you the truth, when you refused to help the least of these my brothers and sisters, you were refusing to help me.’ And they will go away into eternal punishment, but the righteous will go into eternal life.”

Take a look around. Really take time to evaluate what’s happening  in the world around you.  The kids who run through your neighborhood, do they have needs you can meet?  The widow down the block, when is the last time someone offered to help with her yard, or simply stopped to visit?  The stranger holding the sign at the corner, regardless of what you believe the truth of his situation to be, when is the last time he had a full meal and sat with someone who cares to hear his story?

Is it time to redefine the standards by which we measure the effectiveness of our efforts?  Whether we take scripture like this literally or figuratively, divine truth or man’s opinion of what might happen, it should (at the very least) cause us to pause, look at the world around us, and ask ourselves, “is this really good enough?”


Chris Jones by Chris Jones

A quick “thank you” goes to everyone who supported Parker’s campaign for “Stop Hunger Now”.  He passed his goal of $500.  This means I’m reporting live from the rocking chair I’ll occupy for the next nineteen hours (five hours down already).  I have company though.  Parker’s rocking right along with me.  He said he wants to make it as long as he can.

I so appreciate the support you all contributed toward his effort.  It’s a great example of the spirit and value of cooperation in the church. I hope it’s a lesson he’ll remember for a long time.

Donations are still being accepted.  Stop Hunger Now is dedicated to putting an end to hunger in our lifetime.  If you’re not familiar with them, you can read more here.  Donations will be accepted until November 20th.  However, receiving those donations sooner will allow us to maximize our church’s commitment.

Thank you, again, for being a significant part of what God is doing through this campaign.  Many lives are being touched.  Among them is a precious young man, who God is growing to be something special in His Kingdom.


Chris Jones by Chris Jones


He’s a sixth-grade student, in his first year in Flood Student Ministry at Calvary Assembly of God.  He’s also my son.  Parker has the heart of a servant, and is always ready to jump in and help where it’s needed.  He’s compassionate about the needs of others, and desperate not to be confined to…”THE CHAIR”.



Flood is conducting a “Rock-A-Thon” to support Stop Hunger Now, an organization dedicated to “ending hunger in our lifetime”.  The “Rock-A-Thon” is a fund-raising effort, where students will sit in a rocking chair for twenty-four straight hours (provided bathroom breaks), from 11am on Saturday, November 9th, through the end of our Sunday morning service on the 10th.



That’s easy.  If Parker raises more than $500, I’ll take his place.

Your donation can be made, by credit card or debit card, at Calvary’s online donation page.  Be sure to type “Save Parker” in the comment box, to the right of your contribution amount.  Please contact me for other donation options.  You may make your donation for any amount, with a suggested minimum donation of $5.SHN02  Your donation will also add a tag to our donation wall, as Calvary pushes towards our goal of $10,000.  That’s 40,000 meals, at only $0.25 per meal.

We’re not stopping there though.  On November 20th, we’ll package those 40,000 meals.  Those meals are a combination of “rice, soy, dehydrated vegetables and a flavoring mix including 21 essential vitamins and minerals into small meal packages.  These meal packages are shipped around the world to support school feeding programs and crisis relief.  The food stores easily, transports quickly and has a shelf-life of two years.” (from  You don’t have to wonder if your donation actually makes a difference.  We’ll ship those meals, right from our front door.




A contribution of $25 provides 100 meals.  If only twenty people contribute $25 each, that would provide two thousand meals, and place me in that rocking chair for twenty-four hours.  Feel no pressure though.  It doesn’t have to be $25.  Every donation helps in a big way.  Just $5 can provide twenty meals.  THAT’S HUGE!  …but don’t stop there!  Share this page with your friends and family.  Get them involved too.  Let’s see how much Parker can raise.



Will you help “Stop Hunger Now”?  Final donations for Calvary’s campaign will extend beyond the Rock-A-Thon, but you only have until Friday, November 8th to “SAVE PARKER FROM THE CHAIR”!!!


Make a donation (remember to type “Save Parker” next to your donation amount)

Find out more about “Stop Hunger Now”

Visit Calvary’s Homepage

Change The World

Chris Jones by Chris Jones

What would you do if you were given the opportunity to change the world?  Currently, with all the dysfunction in Washington, many would respond that they’d march up to “Capitol Hill” and straighten some things/people out.  Others might consider ending social crises like hunger, poverty, homelessness or abuse.  In a lost and broken world, is change even possible?  No arguments.  No debates.  No resistance.  Change.

What if this proposition weren’t simply anecdotal?  What if you were supplied with endless resources?  What if you were given a guarantee that your efforts would be effective?  What if you could start today, to see this world transformed into what God intended it to be?

As Christians, we believe God called us to take the news of salvation through His Son, to the world, the whole world.  We believe God will give us what we ask, if we pray according to His will.  We believe our prayers are potent and effective.  We believe His Word is powerful and true.  Yet, we allow “life” to distract us from the call.

Everyday, those in need of change are with us (the hurting, the lost, the hungry, the homeless, the poor, the abused).  They live in our neighborhood.  They sit behind us in class.  They work in the office down the hall.  They “ring-up” our purchases at the store.  We dismiss them as they hold their signs at the stoplight.  We forget them as they sit in jail, or lay in the hospital.  This is the world.  This is where change begins.

So, what will you do with the opportunity you’ve been given?  The need is real.  Our God is big.  Change can happen today.  Run to the world.